I completed my PhD at the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin in 2024 having explored Career Guidance, Universal Design, Universal Design for Learning and Inclusion.
A key focus should include 3 factors –
1)Self-advocacy – using our own voice,
2) self-efficacy – appreciating our worth, and
3) other- efficacy – that is those others who support us.
If you would like to read my PhD please read it here – https://www.tara.tcd.ie/handle/2262/107876
I am currently a Research Fellow with the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin.
I am also working as a consultant with the Irish Deaf Society, AsIAm, The Guide Dogs on transitions, self-advocacy and guidance.
I continue to engage with guidance counsellors across Ireland and the Education and Training Board Ireland on the theme of Universal Design and Guidance.
I have delivered keynotes at UCC, Marino College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin on inclusion in higher education.
Please feel free to follow and support my work on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/maryquirke
“Ultimately I believe that it is my actual engagement with learners seeking to navigate their way into a “successful careers” and just to “be happy” in today’s complex world that has framed me”.
I published a book on Universal Design for Education.
I have engaged in developing a career guidance service with the Irish Deaf Society. This is such interesting work and I am continuing to learn and appreciate the value of Career Guidance. https://www.irishdeafsociety.ie/advocacy-information/deaf-career-project/
I continue to be an active member of the research community in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin and have co-authored a number of articles which have a particular focus on various aspects of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Inclusion and Career Guidance.
I have had a variety of experiences in policy and practice; and authored the framework for SOLAS on UDL in 2020.
Quirke. M, & McCarthy P. (2020). A Conceptual Framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for the Irish Further Education and Training Sector Where Inclusion is Everybody’s Business. Dublin: SOLAS. https://www.solas.ie/f/70398/x/b1aa8a51b6/a-conceptual-framework-of-universal-design-for-learning-udl-for-the-ir.pdf
I continue to present my work at conferences nationally and internationally.
If you are interested in Inclusion in Education, Career Guidance, Transitions, Universal Design (UD), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in relation to these themes please check out my research.
Have a look at the video I and my colleagues made during the pandemic, as we were getting to grips with Zoom and social distancing!
Quirke, M., Mc Guckin, C., & McCarthy, P. (2023). Adopting a UDL attitude within academia. Thinking and practicing inclusion across higher education., (1st.), London. Routledge.
Quirke, M. (2023). Deaf awareness training and career learning – a model of reciprocal learning. Irish Deaf Society. Ireland.
Quirke, M. (2022). Guidance for the deaf community – let’s start a new conversation about careers and guidance. Irish Deaf Society. Ireland.
Quirke, M. (2022). Career and guidance for deaf people. Irish Deaf Society. Ireland.
Harpur, A., & Quirke, M. (2011). Sorted! A survival guide for parents of students making a career choice. Orpen Press. Ireland.
Book Chapters.
Quirke, M., Ke Ren., & Mc Guckin, C. (2023). Bronfenbrenner and universal design – a tale of two theories for inclusion. In K. Carr-Fanning & G. Niolaki (Eds), Psychology for educational inclusion: Identifying and supporting children with SEND. Open
University Press.
Wang, X., Quirke, M., & McGuckin, C. (2022). The importance of social competence for21st century citizens: the use of mixed reality for social competence learning in mainstream education. In A. Correia & V. Viegas (Eds.), Methodologies and use cases on extended reality for training and education (pp. 242-268). IGI Global.
Mc Guckin, C., Quirke, M., & McCarthy, P. (2022). Applying positive psychology from a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) perspective. In A. Giraldez-Hayes & J. Burke (Eds), Applied positive school psychology. An essential guide for teachers and educators. London. Routledge.
Quirke, M., Mc Guckin, C., & McCarthy, P. (2022). How to adopt an “inclusion as process” approach and navigate ethical challenges in research. In Sage Research methods Cases. London, United Kingdom. SAGE Publications, Ltd. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/978
Caldwell, H., Whewell, E., Devecchi, C., Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2021). Towards a digital pedagogy of inclusive active distance learning. In S. Studente, S. Ellis, & B. Desai (Eds.), The impact of Covid-19 on teaching and learning in higher education. Series: Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World. London. Nova Science. ISBN: 978-1-53619-947-5
Quirke, M., Shevlin, M., Mc Guckin, C., & Banks, J. (2024) (In Development) A review of specialist training provision in further education and training, Ireland. Dublin. SOLAS.
Quirke, M., & McCarthy P. (2020). A conceptual framework of universal design for learning (UDL) for the Irish further education and training sector where inclusion is everybody’s business. Dublin. SOLAS.
McCarthy, P., Quirke, M., & Treanor, D. (2018). The Role of the Disability Officer and the Disability Service in Higher Education in Ireland. Dublin. AHEAD.
HOWEST, AHEAD & NTNU. (2016). Universal Design for Learning universal – license to learn, a best practice guideline. Dublin. AHEAD.
Quirke, M., & Fleming, T. (Eds.). (2013). Journeys of students with disabilities from Ahead’s 25-year history. Dublin. AHEAD. Link to Copy Review in The Irish Times
McKernan, C., & Quirke, M. (2012). National guidelines for working with nursing and midwifery students with a disability or specific learning difficulty in clinical practice. Dublin. AHEAD.
Journal Articles.
Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2024). The sound of silence: deconstructing notions of inclusion in career guidance on exploring the experience of deaf people, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 52:1, 133-152. DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2023.2298315
Quirke, M., McCarthy, P., Treanor, D., & Mc Guckin, C. (2019). Tomorrow’s disability officer – A cornerstone on the universal design campus. Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education (JIPFHE), 11.1, 29-42.
Quirke, M., McCarthy, P., & Mc Guckin, C. (2018). “I can see what you mean”: encouraging higher education educators to reflect upon their teaching and learning practice when engaging with blind/vision impaired learners. AISHE-J: The All-Ireland Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, 10(1).
Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2021). A big question – Is it time to redesign how we design the future for our learners? Guidance Matters, Summer 2021 / Issue 6, 46-49.
Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2019). Is it time to rethink career guidance theory and practice – with a UDL hat on . . .? Guidance Matters, Vol 3, 6-10 (ISSN 2009-6941).
Blog Posts.
Quirke, M., & Mc Guckin, C. (2024, May 5). Redesigning how we listen – inclusion, career guidance and deaf people. https://cdaa.org.au/Web/Blog/P
Conference Presentations.
Quirke, M., & McCarthy, P. (2024, July 17th – 19th). ‘Fixing a broken record’ – how the ‘language of disability’ disables transitions, even in a UDL environment. In symposium: The bubble under the carpet (Convenor: Twomey, M.). Porto ICRE 24 – the 4th Porto international conference on research in education, Polytechnic institute of Porto.
Quirke, M. (2024, June 24th – 28th). Using universal design and universal design for learning to reconceptualise career guidance. Power of potential conference, sharing experiences from universal design for learning (UDL) journeys. Include 7th International Conference on Education Quality, University of Worcester.